Over time, our skin naturally becomes less elastic, which can lead to drooping and sagging is a problem that we all must face eventually in our lives. Some bodies have stubborn spots where fat refuses to go away. Sometimes dieting and exercise is simply not enough to reach our body image goals. With development of new technologies taking control of your physical appearance has never been easier and tackling wrinkled skin is no exception. One possible solution to this problem is radio frequency skin tightening or also called body contouring is the reduction of loose skin and fat to reveal a toned and fit body.


Venus Legacy™ at MOC health + beauty is a non-invasive device that uses multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields to create a therapeutic heat matrix over the skin. It creates a thermal reaction under the tissue that stimulates the body’s natural healing response, increasing blood circulation and causing the skin to contract. This results in a reduction of cellulite, noticeable tightening of the skin, and even a decrease in localized fat deposits. The treated area will immediately look smoother and firmer.


Utilizing multi-polar radio frequency as well as pulsed electromagnetic field to deliver heat deep under the surface of the skin. This treatment helps to organically increase collagen production and elastin which then contracts and tightens the skin as well as shrinking the volume of existing fat cells. These skin tightening techniques work great on the face and neck area, but also work when targeting cellulite on the abdomen, thighs, back, arms and buttocks.

Adjunctly, we can enable pulsed suction to gently pull the skin upward, allowing the safe laser energy to travel deeper into the skin, resulting in a more comfortable, effective treatment.

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– A comprehensive solution to turn either wrinkled or loose skin into tight, firm, and vibrant skin and can help the patient feel more confident in themselves and their appearance.
– Uses multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed electromagnetic field to organically increase collagen production and elastin, which results in firmer, tighter, slimmer, and smoother skin.
– We address 360° of your entire abdomens
– Non-invasive, No downtime, No pain.
– Comfortable, effective, and safe on all skin tones
– FDA approval
– Drastic, long-lasting results


After consulting with one of our treatment specialists, you will receive a tailored treatment plan suited to achieve your desired results. On your treatment visit.
– Greeted with a warm welcome, checked-in, provided water to drink and walked to your treatment room.
– Measure, weigh and take before photos.
– We start with applying glide to the treatment area. This heat is delivered through an FDA cleared applicator that glides along the treatment area where temperatures begin to rise and gently suctions the fat with a sensation similar to a low-power vacuum.
Depending on the number of treatments, the level of heat energy used, and suction can be adjusted to suit your individual needs and comfort levels at each treatment.
– We will target lower front ab, upper front ab, love handles with lower back. Each area takes 25 minutes.
– We provide you 2.5 gallon of alkaline water to help with your hydration. The treatment is completed with a simple metabolism plan instructed to boost your metabolism. You can expect to see results immediately to the next day.
– Once a week treatment. We recommend a series of 8-12 treatment for ideal results!

Don`t miss your chance on our most popular treatment!


Clinical studies have shown up to 24% reduction in adipose layer thickness. 1 to 5 inches of body fat.
Most patients see results with just one treatment, but everyone is unique. You may require more treatments than others. It is a one a week treatment. Optimal results will be seen 3-6 weeks after your treatment plan is completed.
After your treatment, the skin may be flushed and feel slightly firm. One out of 100 patients experience a bit of firmness, or tiny bruising. This is normal. The tenderness may take up to two weeks to resolve but it should be mild enough to not interfere with your daily activities. We recommend moisturizing and massaging the treatment area for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day after your treatment. Other than that, there’s nothing that you need to do after treatment.

Real People, Real Results!

Yes, skin tightening works. In fact, most patients achieve their desired body image or at least see progress towards their goal. Not only does it work, but the results of skin tightening or body contouring also help you be happy with who you see in the mirror.

Body Contouring are safe for patients of any skin tone with a Body Mass Index of 30 or less. However, for safety reasons, you may not be able to get this treatment if you have/are:
• Open lesions, wounds, or any sign of compromised wound healing
• Any unrepaired abdominal hernia
• Pregnant and/or breastfeeding
• A history of immunodeficiency disorders or using immunosuppressive medications
• A coagulation disorder or history of keloids
• Any neuropathic disorder, impaired skin sensation, or diabetic neuropathy
• Any skin sensitivity disorders or taking photosensitized medications
• An active tan or exposure to artificial tanning devices/excessive sunlight one week before or after your treatment
• Moderate to severe visceral fat, cellulite, or loose skin in the treatment area
• Currently using antiplatelets, anti-inflammatories, thrombolytics, anticoagulants, or heavy aspirin (more than 81 mg per day)
• History or evidence of squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma

Yes. Skin tightening with our Venus Legacy™ and Venus Bliss™ devices are safe for all skin tones, even darker ones.

A single skin tightening typically takes 30 -45 minutes to complete.

Every patient is unique. Depending on the areas being treated and how lose your skin, a skin tightening may be effective with just one session. however, most patients require more than one skin tightening treatment to achieve maximum results, but the effects are permanent. we recommend a series of 8-12 treatments to achieve the results you want to see. Unlike having a face lift, skin tightening requires no recovery and does not stretch the skin – it causes skin to tighten on its own.

Our skin tightening or body contouring treatments should be performed a week apart.

Just make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions or creams on the area you’re having treated immediately before your session. Before starting, your treatment provider will likely take a “before” photo, check your weight, measure, and examine the area for any irregularities.

Each treatment takes between 30 to 40 minutes. It is recommended that patients receive between six and ten treatments for best results. It is virtually painless and requires no downtime, so you can see skin tightening and cellulite reduction results quickly and get back to everyday life right away.

Patients report that skin tightening, or body contouring treatments are very relaxing, and many say it feels akin to a hot stone massage! Some patients even take a nap during the treatments.

Absolutely! Venus Legacy™ is FDA-approved for facial wrinkles. It works to tighten sagging skin and improve overall skin quality through a combination of multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic field treatments. Our device is very effective at reducing wrinkles and creating a more youthful facial appearance.

Our skin tightening should NOT be painful. Many patients say it feels akin to a hot stone massage! Some patients even take a nap during the treatments.
You may feel a bit of discomfort as the applicators get warmer—this is expected as part of the non-invasive process for targeting the underlying fat—but it should still be manageable.

The area may look a little flushed and feel tender, and some patients may experience a little bit of firmness. This is a normal part of the body’s natural healing response. Do not apply ice or cooling compresses. The tenderness may take up to a week to resolve but it should be mild enough to not interfere with your daily activities. Of course, if something doesn’t feel quite right, always contact us at 703 299 0707

There is no downtime and no physical restrictions that you need to worry about. You should be able to resume your regular daily activities immediately after completing a fat treatment.
Post-treatment redness is mild, and you may return to regular activities immediately. You may experience mild heat emanating from the treated area.

Moisturizer should be applied regularly throughout the course of your treatment series, and it may be applied immediately after each treatment. We recommend using baby healing ointment such as Aquaphor which you can find online or any pharmacy store.
Make-up can be applied immediately after each treatment. Do not sleep with makeup on the treated area. It is important to remove all make-up that is applied to the skin at night.
Avoiding direct sun should become a permanent component of your long-term skin care program. Always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater, even on cloudy days, regardless of season.
To enhance the results of the treatments, we recommend that you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Gaining weight during your treatment series could compromise your end results.

You can see the cost on www.mochealthbeauty.com/cost or scan

We recommend you should schedule a in-person consultation visit or a virtual consultation call at NO COST to understand more about the procedure, determine the number of treatments needed. Additionally, special price for packages and easy financing options are available only at the consultation visit/call. These consultations take as little as 30 minutes and are private one on one consultations.

Call or text 703 299 0707 to schedule.